Friday, August 29, 2014

Food (August 2014) by Josh W.



I enjoy eating dough.  Dough or batter of any kind: bread, piecrust, cookie, biscuit, roll, scone, brownie, cake, pancake, any uncooked goodness.  Thinking about it now makes my stomach growl.  I don’t really understand my affinity for it.  It does have some nostalgia associated with it.  Helping my grandma make pies.  Or hovering while my grandma made pies is probably more accurate.  She would throw in the ingredients without measuring, mix it up and taste a little.  Add something and taste again.  I thought it was fascinating.  That she knew what to add based on taste.  She would let me taste the final product.  And I couldn’t get enough. 


Another memory is making sugar cookies at Christmas time with my mom and brothers.  There’s always a little bit of scrap once you cut out a cookie.  That piece can’t be wasted.  So I salvaged and savored each morsel of leftovers. 


Also, as a kid, we would have cinnamon rolls out of a tube each Sunday morning.  And my brother, who knew how to work the oven, would take them out early so they were still stringy and doughy.  And we would utterly destroy them.


So maybe my affinity for the stuff is related to home.  I’m transported home when I consume a nice chewy glob of raw dough.  And sometimes it’s nice to be home.