Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Birthdays (October 2013) by Josh W.

Birth Day.

My mother once told me that on the day of my birth, she foresaw something in me.  She could sense that I was special and destined for something great.  I think all mother’s believe in their new child’s uniqueness and trust in their eventual power to rid the world of its maladies.  I’d like to think she was right…that there’s some greater purpose to my life than just myself. 
Perhaps it was the events of my birth that led to her thinking.  The March day she went into labor I wasn’t due for another 2 weeks.  No matter, the ultrasound stated I was roughly 8 pounds, about the size of her first baby.  She was no novice.  Labor was as fine as any labor can be, and then something was wrong.  Stuck.  A case of shoulder dystocia.   Whereby after delivery of the head, the anterior shoulder of the infant cannot pass below the pubic symphysis.  In my case, my right shoulder wouldn’t budge. Is he supposed to be blue like that?  No, that’s from the compressed umbilical cord.  Pull.  Episiotomy.  Break the clavicle. There.  He’s out.  He’s breathing and we didn’t even break the clavicle.  Good show, 10 pounds 2 ounces.  A few days later, damage was discovered to the brachial plexus nerves.  Brachial plexus - a bundle of nerves that runs from the neck down to the fingertips.  
Birthing trauma.  It makes me think of the maternal pain and anguish during birth.  However, the baby also suffers as it traumatically travels through the birth canal.  Most babies travel unscathed.  Some have lasting effects.  As a child, I remember hearing the story in Genesis where God condemns women with painful childbirth.  I wondered if my injury was related to that curse.  That this stupid, weak arm was an evil that I had to bear.  Maybe.  Sometimes I have dreams where I have “normal” arms – except they are two left arms.  It’s hard to imagine that my right arm could be as strong as my left.  My right and left legs are of equal strength, so I guess it’s like that.
Is there a reason for this?  That question has always been the same.  Thankfully the answers change.  Right now I would say it has taught me, is teaching me, patience with myself.

-Josh W. 

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