Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Another World (February 2014) by Josh W.

Who nose my world?

This world smells.  I could describe to you how to get from my house to the office merely by following your nose.  First, go straight down the path until you begin to sense the calming sandalwood trickling from the shop on the corner.  Turn right.  Go past the burnt popcorn smell.  Turn left once the aroma of stale animal urine and rotting flesh pierces your nose.  Go past the intoxicating fresh cardamom, cumin, and curry being ground by hand.  Continue on beyond the fishy, earthy smells that will be on your right.  Once you begin to choke on diesel fumes you’re nearly to the next turn.  But wait until you sense the loaf of bread fresh out of the oven to turn left.  Carry on and it will smell like an amusement park, you know, the old vomit and woodchips utilized to soak up the vomit smell, near that ride that goes upside down and backwards.  The diesel fumes will be back at this point, ignore it, just keep going straight.  Now you’re in for a treat.  Go past the pungent aroma wafting in your unassuming nostrils – it’s kind of like the stench of a hundred brutally used Porta-Potties after a well attended, undercooked meat serving, Indian wedding.  Don’t worry; you’re nearly there.  Turn right once the burnt popcorn odor reappears.  Left at the garlicky dal being cooked, and if it’s morning, cardamom and cinnamon will stimulate your olfactory bulbs.  Wander past the stink of scaled chicken skin, stale urine, and feces.  Finally, turn left at the diesel fumes.  And if you have a cold, then I guess you’ll just have to use a map.

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